Rockers React To Death Of Iconic 'Jeopardy!' Host ALEX TREBEK

November 8, 2020

Paul Stanley (KISS),Gene Simmons (KISS),Peter Frampton, Joe Bonamassa and Tom Morello (RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE) are among the rockers who have reacted on social media to the passing of "Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek. He was 80 years old.

"Jeopardy! is saddened to share that Alex Trebek passed away peacefully at home early this morning, surrounded by family and friends," said a statement shared on the show's Twitter account Sunday. "Thank you, Alex."

Although the cause of death was not immediately announced, Trebek had been battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer since March 2019.

When Trebek first announced his cancer diagnosis, he posted a video to YouTube in which he said he would try to finish out that season of "Jeopardy!" A few days later, he addressed "Jeopardy!" fans again, telling them he was overwhelmed by the support he had received.

"Hi everyone, I just want to take a few moments to say thanks to the — believe it or not — hundreds of thousands of people who have sent in tweets, texts, emails, cards, and letters wishing me well following my recent health announcement," Trebek said.

"Now obviously, I won't be able to respond to all of you individually but I did want you to know that I do read everything I receive and I am thankful for the kind words, the prayers, and the advice you have offered, and I'm extremely touched by the warmth you have expressed in your comments to me."

He added: "I'm a lucky guy."

Trebek had hosted "Jeopardy!" since 1984.

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